Computer and WiFi Use Policy

Computer and Internet Access

Computer access is provided to the public at Allentown Public Library as part of the library’s mission to provide educational, informational and recreational resources to the residents of its community.

The library provides:

  1. A dedicated high-speed link to the Internet
  2. Hardware and software for public use
  3. A wireless network for patron use
  4. Printers for public use

The library requires of its users:

  1. A valid Allentown Public Library card or an ACCESS PA library card registered in the APL system used by the cardholder only; other ID only at library’s discretion
  2. Responsible use of computer resources
  • Hardware and software may not be abused, modified or destroyed.
  • The system may not be used to retrieve or use obscene, pornographic, or illegal material.
  • Copyrighted material may be used, copied, downloaded only in accordance with copyright law.
  1. Respect for time limits to allow all users to share resources fairly. Users are limited to three sessions each day.
  2. Patrons are responsible for previewing content before sending their print job

Personal storage media may be used in all public computers. Library is not responsible for damage to media or content as a result of use in library equipment.

The library blocks the following types of sites through the “OpenDNS” filtering service:

  • In the adult area:  adults only, pornography, school cheating, hate discrimination, malicious sites.
  • In Children’s Services and the library catalogs:  personal communication, pornography, sexually explicit material, nudity, school cheating, violence, profanity, hate/discrimination, personals, electronic commerce.

Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to use adult workstations.  They are limited to use of the network in Children’s Services and the YA terminals. Adults are not permitted to use computers in Children’s Services or the YA terminals.  In all areas, no more than 2 people may congregate at a computer at one time.

Wireless Access

Wireless access is available to the public during the library’s regular hours of operation.  No library card or ID is needed.  After connecting to the Allentown Wireless network via your laptop or mobile device, you will be prompted to enter a user name and password.  You can receive that information from the Reference Desk on the first floor of the library.

The library reserves the right to ask any user to relinquish use of the system at any time.